A world free from child sexual abuse and child exploitation material.
To provide advocacy and support for the non-offending partners and family of perpetrators of child sexual abuse and child exploitation material.
PartnerSPEAK’s peer support team uses the Intentional Peer Support Framework. We strive to integrate the IPS Framework into every facet of the work we do.
IPS was founded by Shery Mead. Traditionally used worldwide in mental health settings, IPS is now found in many peer support settings, community services, and community development spaces.
The IPS Approach begins with the premise that the relationship is viewed as a partnership that is founded on: connection, mutuality, building a trauma-informed response, and creating dialogue and space to hear and reflect on how we have come to know what we know. The culmination of this relational space supports us to learn, challenge and grow together. Through this process we co-create a shared vision of where we are individually and relationally moving towards.
The IPS Framework has three principles and four tasks:
The Overarching Principles:
From helping to learning together
Individual to relationship
Fear to hope & possibility
The Four Tasks:
Moving towards