Our Work
PartnerSPEAK provides advocacy and support for non-offending partners, family members, friends, or anyone else affected by a person's involvement in child sexual abuse and child exploitation material. Everyone who provides support has a lived experience of the use of child sexual exploitation materials by a family member or within the context of a significant relationship. PartnerSPEAK's peer support workers draw on this experience to connect and provide support.
We provide specialised training about responding to non offending partners or affected family members for law enforcement and other groups. For request more information and make training bookings, please reach out to us here.
2021 UNSW Evaluation Research Report
In 2021, a research report detailing an evaluation of PartnerSPEAK by a UNSW team, was published.A key finding of that research is that PartnerSPEAK's peer support model is strongly endorsed by clients, who identified that it reduced isolation, provided acceptance and provided lived experience information. The UNSW research team comprised Michael Salter, Delanie Woodlock and Christian Jones. The report can be accessed here.
“It has been amazing to have support from someone who has been in my shoes. Someone who truly understands the struggles in my head and all the emotions and police processes I am going through.”
Research Participant
2015 PartnerSPEAK Research Report
This 2015 report explores what women experience after learning of their partners involvement in the possession of child abuse material in Australia. The report can be accessed here.